Hive Healing & Hive Remedies

Hives is a skin problem that can be extremely painful; therefore, you should consider one of the top hive remedies for hive healing. Hives is characterized by raised, itchy, red spots or wheals on the top of the skin, which often appear in groups. Caused by allergic factors, i.e. hives food allergy, as well as non-allergic factors, e.g. contact hives, they can be itchy, painful, and may accompany certain other problems.

Hives mostly occurs on the belly, chest, and limbs, but they can be found on any other part of the body as well. Hive remedies can include a homemade treatment or a doctor’s prescribed hive medication. It  depends on the severity of the inflammation as to what kind of hive remedy you should choose. If you are unsure about this, consulting a doctor is the best approach to get rid of hives.

Calamine lotion is considered to be one of the most useful hive medicines. It contains astringent, which relieves the itchiness and the burning sensation. Zinc oxide and hazel also contain astringents. Many patients have reported that their itchiness was further reduced when they used any of these hive remedies that were first chilled.

Oatmeal is also considered to be an effective remedy for hive healing. Drinking nettle tea and peppermint tea is also helpful in clearing the throat. Though not a permanent hive treatment, antihistamines are the most commonly used hive treatments. They counter the effect of histamine and reduce itchiness. Another hive medicine that is effective is loratadine, which requires a prescription.

Some other popular medicines used as hive remedies include cetirizine, cimetidine, desloratadine, fexofenadine, levocetirizine, ranitidine, and zostrix. It is in your best interest to consult a doctor before choosing which type of hive remedy is right for you.


P.S. (from Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. & Surgeon)
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