Hives Medicine: Treating Your Hives

Understanding Hives and Available Medicine

Hives, or to use the medical term urticaria, are raised, itchy, red spots on the top of the skin. They often appear in groups. Hives usually occur on the torso and limbs, but can be present on other parts of the body as well. There are many different types of hives medicine, from homemade hives treatment to prescription medication. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, patients might find relief with home remedies. If not, consulting your doctor is a good idea.

Over the Counter Medication for Hives

One of the most effective medications for hives treatment is Calamine lotion. Calamine lotion contains an astringent, which helps relieve the itch. Other helpful astringents include witch hazel, especially when it is chilled. Another is zinc oxide, which is often the active ingredient in many medicines and hives solutions. If your hives are particularly severe, there are tests that a physician can perform to identify what is causing the hives. By identifying the cause, it should be possible to avoid what is causing the reaction. 

Natural Hive Medicines 

Another effective medicine for hives treatment is milk of magnesia. An alkaline solution, the milk helps to stop the itching by removing the irritating itchy sensation. It is an effective hives solution. By soaking in a warm bath at least once a day, a hives sufferer will be able to relieve their symptoms. However, only by removing the source of the allergic reaction will the hives stop appearing.

Oatmeal is another effective treatment for hives. Steeping a bath full of oatmeal, then applying the oatmeal to your hives with a cotton wool ball will help to relieve the hives and will make the red rash reduce in size and color. This can also be helpful with other types of itch and inflammation as well.



P.S. (from Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. & Surgeon)
I know what you may feel and think - "I am lost! I don't have any chance to get cured etc" - I have heard this numerous times and I must tell you this: I have seen TONS of urticaria & angioedema sufferers get cured at my private clinic and online using my simple method. I KNOW what I am talking about. Do yourself a favor and check it out: Click here to see now!