Urticaria Society | Urticaria UK

An urticaria society is usually a cyber club with forums, mailing lists to support the people suffering from different types of urticaria or hives. There are some online pharmacies of urticaria UK, urticaria Australia and others available for patients' convenience. One of the most famous societies of urticaria is International Chronic Urticaria Society (ICUS) which supports a cyber-society of people suffering from chronic urticaria, or chronic hives. Chronic urticaria differs from acute hives in that the cause is not often determined, and many people suffer from CU for years at a time.

Any urticaria society or online pharmacy also provides different reports, facts and data about the patients of urticaria. However, the information on these societies should not be considered as a medical advice and if you are having urticaria or any other skin problem, you must consult a qualified urticaria specialist or a dermatologist.

Thousands of pages are added on the internet everyday, though there are some very good and informative pages yet, most of the information is junk. Same is the case with emails and urticaria societies. Furthermore, urticaria is a very serious problem no matter it is not lethal but in some cases it can block the airway due to swelling in the airway and cause suffocation or any mistreatment can affect the condition severely. Therefore you must be careful before believing any information given on these portals or you may suffer drastic effects.

As said earlier, these societies provide a wide range of information on urticaria and its management but if you misunderstand the situation or opt for a wrong treatment, your situation might get more worse. So, it is necessary to consult a doctor before trying anything on your own especially in cases of severe urticaria. Some home remedies do not have any side effect i.e. applying calamine lotion or Aloe Vera get, and can be carried out without doctors prescription.


P.S. (from Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. & Surgeon)
I know what you may feel and think - "I am lost! I don't have any chance to get cured etc" - I have heard this numerous times and I must tell you this: I have seen TONS of urticaria & angioedema sufferers get cured at my private clinic and online using my simple method. I KNOW what I am talking about. Do yourself a favor and check it out: Click here to see now!